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Best Practice 2

Staff Welfare Measures

The Objectives:
To enhance employee well-being, motivation, and satisfaction through various benefits, services, and policies that promote a positive workplace culture.

The Context:
The framework for welfare measures adopted shape the approach to employee well-being. Perks are according to industry standards. Opportunities are ample for self-development with conducive environment for employee growth.

The Practice:
Staff development is induced through the participative management style adopted. Staff are empowered to undertake self development activities, the fees of which are duly reimbursed. Work-life balance is maintained through a relevant leave policy which meets the industry norms. Outstanding performances and research work undertaken are recognized and rewarded monetarily.

Evidence of Success:
Leaves provided to all include, Casual, Medical, Duty, Compensatory, Maternity, Paternity, Study and Privilege leave. Monetary rewards are given term wise. The Research Incentive policy, each Teacher can avail of reimbursement of two self development activities attended in each term.

Problem Encountered:
Not all teachers find the time, networking and acumen for research and hence full advantage of the Research Incentive policy is often not derived.

Students’ Welfare Measures

The Objectives:
To enhance student well-being, academic success, and personal development through support services, guidance, and resources, creating a conducive learning environment.

The Context:
These measures involve addressing the physical and mental well-being of students, ensuring their safety and supporting their academic and personal development to enable them take prudent decisions about their future.

The Practice:
Physical well-being measures include sports and yoga facilities and medical awareness programs. Mental well-being measures include Counsellor on campus and Developmental Counselling programmes, Safety measures include good security system, doctor on-call and group insurance. Support services for academic and personal development include Scholarships, Book-bank facility, and career counselling.

Evidence of Success:
Success of student welfare measures is evidenced through increased student engagement in sports and increasing number of scholarships and book-bank facilities provided to students. Students have benefitted from the career counselling sessions and have taken up further studies.

Problem Encountered:
Students with high absenteeism and an indifferent attitude tend to lose the opportunity to avail the welfare measures.

Best Practices 2021-22